
"A Revolution to Symbolize A Vision" The Great Metropolis aims to become the largest united front with a meaningful purpose to tackle some of the biggest hurdles humanity faces today. My vision was born from an intuitive perception of insight into the reality of something yet to come, an experience to share with the world.
The Four Horsemen of the Great Metropolis is derived from an epiphany. An apocalyptic dream summarizing the end of times. It's a preconceived notion that "The Apocalypse" is something bad. In biblical accounts, revelations are the end of something old and the beginning of a new more vibrant future. A foretold prospect of heaven on earth. By explaining the concept, a pre-planned guideline will appear on how to save Earth and Humanity from self-destruction.

I enjoyed reading this book put together by Stephen Thress, and found it interesting and thought provoking.
C Brown
I found this book very knowledgeable as it has cleared my facts and concept about the planet earth. No doubt the author is too intelligent to write this masterpiece. The book can be a warning or hope for the problem we are facing in the present day.
Mah Tiwa
Sometime early in my reading of this book, I felt in my gut I had encountered a classic masterpiece! I'm not sure what compelled me to pick up this book, but that's true about many books I read. I simply felt like it was something I needed to read at that moment, and I'm very glad I did.
A must read book for the concerned. Stephen Thress brings forth, without ever putting on alarmist garbs, all the horrors of the self destruction that we have undertaken against ourselves. It is not the facts or the issues that is important, it is the attitude that the author endorses.
This is an important and engaging novel, one that should be read by all who care about the future of the planet and humanity’s role in its preservation. Claire Holroyde is an exciting new voice in modern fiction, and we’re lucky to have this stirring and fully imagined book.
I found Stephen’s ideas intriguing, and he certainly gave me a lot to think about. Don't pick this up expecting a sci-fi thriller filled with non-stop action (although don’t get me wrong, it does have its moments!), but if you are a reader who appreciates the emotional implications of the end of the world, I think you’ll enjoy this!